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Flutter Learning

Overview Overview

  • is Google's mobile UI framework for quickly building high-quality native user interfaces on iOS and Android. It can also be used for web and other multi-end utilities.
  • flutter hands-on The subsequent operations are also based on this book
  • DOM tree and control tree are similar

Hierarchical relationships like Unity

  • Flutter uses its own high performance rendering engine to draw widgets.

  • Flutter's high performance is mainly ensured by two things, firstly, Flutter APP is developed in Dart language, which is basically the same speed as JavaScript in JIT (Just-In-Time) mode. However, Dart supports AOT, and when running in AOT (compile before run) mode, JavaScript is far behind. The speed increase is useful for calculating view data at high frame rates. Secondly, Flutter uses its own rendering engine to draw UI, and layout data etc. is directly controlled by Dart language, so there is no need to communicate between JavaScript and Native during the layout process like RN, which is a clear advantage in some sliding and dragging scenarios.

  • Flutter framework structure

    ! Framework Structure

  • "Hot Reload" only rebuilds the entire widget tree)

Dart Language Fundamentals

Variable Declarations

  1. var

    Similar to var in JavaScript, it can receive variables of any type, but the biggest difference is that once a var variable is assigned a value in Dart, the type is determined and then the type cannot be changed, e.g.

    var t;
    t = "hi world";
    // The following code will report an error in dart, because the type of variable t has been determined as String.
    // Once the type is determined, it cannot be changed again.
    t = 1000;

    Dart is a strongly typed language, any variable has a definite type. In Dart, when a variable is declared with var, Dart will infer its type according to the type of the first assignment, and its type will be determined after compilation.

  2. dynamic and Object

    Object is the root class of all Dart objects, that is, all types are subclasses of Object (including Function and Null), so any type of data can be assigned to an object declared by Object. dynamic is the same keyword as var, and the declared variables can be assigned to any object. And dynamic is the same as Object in that the variables they declare can change the type of assignment at a later stage.

    dynamic t;
    Object x;
    t = "hi world";
    x = 'Hello Object';
    // The following code is fine
    t = 1000;
    x = 1000;

    The difference between dynamic and Object is that the compiler will provide all possible combinations of objects declared by dynamic, The object declared by Object can only use the properties and methods of Object, otherwise the compiler will report an error. For example:

     dynamic a;
    Object b;
    main() {
    a = "";
    b = "";

    printLengths() {
    // no warning
    // warning:
    // The getter 'length' is not defined for the class 'Object'

    Variable a will not report an error, variable b will be reported by the compiler

    This feature of dynamic is similar to the role of id in Objective-C. This feature of dynamic makes us need to be careful when using it, as it can easily introduce a runtime error.

  3. final and const

    If you never intend to change a variable, then use final or const, not var, and not a type. A final variable can only be set once, the difference being that a const variable is a compile-time constant and a final variable is initialized the first time it is used. Variables modified by final or const have variable types that can be omitted, e.g.

    // The type declaration String can be omitted
    final str = "hi world";
    //final String str = "hi world";
    const str1 = "hi world";
    //const String str1 = "hi world";


Dart is a true object-oriented language, so even functions are objects and have a type Function. This means that functions can be assigned to variables or passed as arguments to other functions, which is typical of functional programming.

  1. Function declaration

    bool isNoble(int atomicNumber) {
    return _nobleGases[atomicNumber] ! = null;

    Dart function declarations that do not explicitly declare the return value type are treated as dynamic by default, note that there is no type inference for the function return value.

    typedef bool CALLBACK();

    //do not specify the return type, the default is dynamic, not bool
    isNoble(int atomicNumber) {
    return _nobleGases[atomicNumber] ! = null;

    void test(CALLBACK cb){
    // error, isNoble is not a bool type
  2. For functions that contain only one expression, you can use the abbreviated syntax

    bool isNoble (int atomicNumber) => _nobleGases [ atomicNumber ] ! = null ;   
  3. Functions as variables

    var say = (str){
    say("hi world");
  4. Functions passed as arguments

    void execute(var callback) {
    execute(() => print("xxx"))
  5. Optional positional arguments

    Wrap a set of function arguments, mark them as optional positional arguments with [], and place them at the end of the argument list.

    String say(String from, String msg, [String device]) {
    var result = '$from says $msg';
    if (device ! = null) {
    result = '$result with a $device';
    return result;

    Here is an example of calling this function without optional arguments.

    say('Bob', 'Howdy'); // the result is: Bob says Howdy

    The following is an example of calling this function with the third argument.

    say('Bob', 'Howdy', 'smoke signal'); // the result is: Bob says Howdy with a smoke signal
  6. Optional named parameters

    When defining a function, use {param1, param2, ...}, placed at the end of the parameter list, to specify named parameters. For example.

    // Set the [bold] and [hidden] flags
    void enableFlags({bool bold, bool hidden}) {
    // ...

    When calling a function, you can use the specified named parameter. For example: paramName: value

    enableFlags(bold: true, hidden: false);

    Optional named parameters are very much used in Flutter.

    Note that you cannot use both optional position parameters and optional named parameters

Asynchronous support

The Dart class library has a very large number of functions that return Future or Stream objects. These functions are called Asynchronous functions: they only return after some time-consuming operation has been set up, like an IO operation. Instead of waiting until the operation is complete.

The async and await keywords support asynchronous programming, allowing you to write asynchronous code much like synchronous code.


Future is very similar to Promise in JavaScript and represents the final completion (or failure) of an asynchronous operation and the representation of its result value. In short, it is used to handle asynchronous operations. If the asynchronous processing succeeds, the successful operation is executed, and if the asynchronous processing fails, an error is caught or the subsequent operation is stopped. A Future will only correspond to one result, either success or failure.

Since it has a lot of functions, we will only introduce its common API and features here. Also, remember that the return value of all Future APIs is still a Future object, so it is easy to chain calls.


For the sake of example, in this case we use Future.delayed to create a delayed task (the actual scenario would be a real time-consuming task, like a network request) that returns the result string "hi world!" after 2 seconds, and then we receive the asynchronous result in then and print the result with the following code.

Future.delayed(new Duration(seconds: 2), (){
return "hi world!";


If an error occurs in an asynchronous task, we can catch the error in catchError, and we change the above example to

Future.delayed(new Duration(seconds: 2),(){
//return "hi world!";
throw AssertionError("Error");
//execute successfully will go here
//execution failure goes here

In this example, we have thrown an exception in an asynchronous task and the then callback function will not be executed, instead the catchError callback function will be called; however, the catchError callback is not the only one that catches errors, the then method has an optional parameter onError that we can also use to catch the exception.

Future.delayed(new Duration(seconds: 2), () {
//return "hi world!";
throw AssertionError("Error");
}).then((data) {
}, onError: (e) {

There are times when we encounter scenarios where we need to do something regardless of the success or failure of the asynchronous task execution, such as popping up the load dialog before the network request and closing it after the request is finished. The first one is to close the dialog in then or catch respectively, and the second one is to use whenComplete callback of Future, we will change the above example as follows

Future.delayed(new Duration(seconds: 2),(){
//return "hi world!";
throw AssertionError("Error");
// execution success will go here
//Failed execution goes here
//will go here whether it succeeds or fails

There are times when we need to wait for multiple asynchronous tasks to finish executing before performing some operations, for example, we have an interface that needs to fetch data from two web interfaces separately first, and after the successful fetching, we need to perform specific processing on the two interface data before displaying it on the UI interface, how should we do that? The answer is Future.wait, which accepts an array of Future parameters, only after all Future in the array are executed successfully, the success callback of then will be triggered, as long as there is a Future execution failure, the error callback will be triggered. In the following, we simulate two asynchronous tasks of data fetching by simulating Future.delayed, and when both asynchronous tasks are executed successfully, the results of the two asynchronous tasks are stitched together and printed out, with the following code.

// return the result after 2 seconds
Future.delayed(new Duration(seconds: 2), () {
return "hello";
// return the result after 4 seconds
Future.delayed(new Duration(seconds: 4), () {
return " world";

Execute the above code and you will see "hello world" in the console after 4 seconds.


The function and usage of async/await in Dart and async/await in JavaScript are exactly the same, so if you already know the usage of async/await in JavaScript, you can just skip this section.

Callback Hell

If there is a lot of asynchronous logic in the code, and if there are a lot of asynchronous tasks that depend on the results of other asynchronous tasks, there is bound to be a callback situation in the Future.then callback. For example, let's say there is a requirement scenario where the user logs in first, and then gets the user ID after successful login, and then requests the user's personal information through the user ID, and after getting the user's personal information, we need to cache it in the local file system for ease of use, with the following code.

// First define each asynchronous task separately
Future<String> login(String userName, String pwd){
//user login
Future<String> getUserInfo(String id){
//get user information
Future saveUserInfo(String userInfo){
// Save user information

Next, execute the entire task flow.

login("alice", "******").then((id){
//get user information by, id after successful login
//Get the user information and save it
//Save the user information and perform other operations next

If there are a lot of asynchronous dependencies in the business logic, there will be a callback inside the callback, too much nesting will lead to a decrease in readability and error rate, and it is very difficult to maintain, this problem is imaginatively called Callback Hell. The callback hell problem was very prominent in JavaScript before, and was the most trolled point of JavaScript, but with the release of the ECMAScript6 and ECMAScript7 standards, this problem has been very well solved, and the two magic tools to solve the callback hell are the introduction of Promise in ECMAScript6, and the introduction of Promise in ECMAScript7. and the introduction of async/await in ECMAScript7. In Dart, the two are almost completely panned in JavaScript: Future is equivalent to Promise, and async/await doesn't even change its name. Next, let's see how we can eliminate the nesting problem in the above example by using Future and async/await.

Eliminating Callback Hell with Future
login("alice", "******").then((id){
return getUserInfo(id);
return saveUserInfo(userInfo);
//execute the next action
// error handling

As mentioned above, "the return value of all the APIs of Future is still a Future object, so it's easy to chain calls " , if a Future is returned in then, the future will execute, and the end of execution will trigger the The then callback will be triggered after the execution, so that the nesting of layers is avoided by sequentially going down.

Eliminate callback hell with async/await

Is there a way to execute asynchronous tasks as we write synchronous code without using callbacks? The answer is yes, this is to use async/await, the following we look directly at the code first, and then explain, the code is as follows.

task() async {
String id = await login("alice", "******");
String userInfo = await getUserInfo(id);
await saveUserInfo(userInfo);
//execute the next action
} catch(e){
// error handling
  • async is used to indicate that the function is asynchronous, and the defined function returns a Future object, which can be used to add a callback function using the then method.
  • await is followed by a Future, which indicates that it waits for that asynchronous task to complete, and will only go down when the asynchrony is complete; await must appear inside the async function.

As you can see, we have represented an asynchronous stream in synchronous code by async/await.

In fact, in both JavaScript and Dart, async/await is just syntactic sugar that the compiler or interpreter will eventually translate into a chain of calls to a Promise (Future).


Stream is also used to receive asynchronous event data, unlike Future, it can receive the result of multiple asynchronous operations (success or failure). That is, when executing an asynchronous task, the result data or error exceptions can be passed by triggering the success or failure event multiple times. Stream is often used in asynchronous task scenarios where data is read multiple times, such as downloading network content, reading and writing files, etc. As an example.

// return the result after 1 second
Future.delayed(new Duration(seconds: 1), () {
return "hello 1";
// Throw an exception
Future.delayed(new Duration(seconds: 2), () {
throw AssertionError("Error");
// return result after 3 seconds
Future.delayed(new Duration(seconds: 3), () {
return "hello 3";
}, onError: (e){
},onDone: (){


The above code will output in turn.

I/flutter (17666): hello 1
I/flutter (17666): Error
I/flutter (17666): hello 3

Inheritance (extends)

The inheritance rules in dart.

  • Subclasses use the extends keyword to inherit from the parent class
  • Subclasses inherit the properties and methods visible in the parent class, but not the constructor.
  • subclasses can override the parent's methods getter and setter
  • subclasses override superclass methods with @override
  • subclasses call superclass methods with super
  • Subclasses can inherit non-private variables from the parent class

mixins (with)

The Chinese word for mixins means to mix in, which means to mix in other functions in the class. In Dart, mixins can be used to achieve similar functionality as multiple inheritance because the conditions for using mixins have been changing with the Dart version, here are the conditions for using mixins in Dart 2.x.

  • (1) as mixins class can only inherit from Object, can not inherit from other classes
  • (2) the class as mixins can not have a constructor
  • (3) a class can mixins more than one mixins class
  • (4) mixins is never inheritance, nor is it an interface, but is a completely new feature Look at the specific code.

interface implementation(implementations)

Flutter does not have interfaces, but each class in Flutter is an implicit interface that contains all the member variables and defined methods of the class. If you have a class A, and you want class B to have the API of A, but you don't want to have the implementation of A, then you should treat A as an interface, and class B implements class A. So in Flutter: class is interface

  • When a class is used as an interface, the methods in the class are the methods of the interface and need to be reimplemented in the subclass, with @override in the subclass implementation.
  • When a class is used as an interface, the member variables in the class also need to be reimplemented in the subclass. Add @override in front of member variables